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Reading time: 22 min


Rotterdam has sympathy for you, your family and friends in this time of war in Ukraine. We hope you will be able to get some rest in our city. We have tried to organize your stay here in Rotterdam in the best way we can.


Are you from Ukraine and are you seeking safe haven in Rotterdam? On this page you will find information about the municipality of Rotterdam. 

I am a refugee from Ukraine, and I need shelter. Where can I go?

The HUB Rotterdam at Marten Meesweg 141B is closed.
Unfortunately, there are no more shelters available for Ukrainians in Rotterdam and the region.
Do you have an appointment? Then you are still welcome.

Are you a refugee from Ukraine and are you bound to Rotterdam or the region? For example, because your children already go to school here. Then you are welcome at Marten Meesweg 141B in Rotterdam from Monday to Friday: from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Or you can email Link opens an external page

Is there a place where refugees from Ukraine can meet each other?

The municipality of Rotterdam offers a meeting place for Ukrainian refugees in Rotterdam. 
You can find volunteers from the Ukrainian Community there and an employee of the municipality of Rotterdam's Vraagwijzer. They can answer questions related to finances, medical care, education or any other questions you may have.
The HalloWerk counter can help you with questions about work.
The Council for Refugees also holds its consultation hours here.

For information about openinghours, check the Wmo radar website. Link opens an external page.


(Medical) care


Living allowance



Education and daycare


Other subjects

The communication card with pictures, Dutch and Ukranian words (pdf) can help you during a conversation.

Additional information

For information and questions during your stay in the Netherlands, please contact Municipality of Rotterdam (gemeente Rotterdam):