Waste guide
We separate our waste in Rotterdam. Much of our waste, such as paper, glass and clothing, can be recycled. Also waste like plastic packaging, drinking cartons, organic materials and even cooking oil can be reused if it goes into the right container. This will result in much less residual waste. And that’s good for the environment. Will jou join in?
Waste guide
- Newspapers
- Folders
- Cardboard boxes (including egg cartons)
- Envelopes
- Magazines
- Wrapping paper
- Receipts
Tip: flatten cardboard boxes and only dry and clean paper or cardboard boxes are allowed.
Not allowed
Throw in the residual waste container:
- Milk and drinking cartons
- Dirty takeaway or delivered pizza boxes
- Sandwich bags
- Baking paper
For more information go to Rotterdam.nl./papier
- Bottles and jars
- Transparent toiletry jars
- Perfume bottles
- Glass roll-on deodorant bottles
Tip: glass can be clean or dirty and with lids.
Not allowed
- Windows and mirrors: take it to a recycling centre or secondhand shop.
Take to a secondhand shop or throw in the residual waste container:
- Medicine bottles
- Drinking glasses
- Glass ovenware
- Porcelain or ceramic tableware
- Stone bottles or pitchers.
For more information go to Rotterdam.nl/glas.
- Clean and dry clothing (even damaged and worn out)
- Bags
- Curtains
- Quilts and sheets
- Accessories (hats, gloves, etcetera)
- Hand towels and tea towels
- Soft toys
- Shoes
Tip: put it in a plastic bag and tie shoes together.
Not allowed
- Wet and dirty textiles. Throw wet and dirty textiles in the residual waste container.
- Take rugs, floor carpets or hard toys to a recycling centre or secondhand shop.
For more information, go to Rotterdam.nl/textiel
- Vegetable and fruit waste
- Bread
- Leftover food
- Garden and pruning waste
- Flowers and plants
- Straw and excrement from small pets
- Peanut shells and other nutshells
- Coffee grounds
- Coffee pods and teabags
- Bones and fish bones
- Sea shells
Don’t use plastic bags with organic waste! Use biodegradable bags with an official compost symbol logo on it.
For free: bring your garden garbage and cut branches to a recycling center or make an appointment to have it picked up via the page Tuinafval.
Not allowed
- Coffee capsules
- Cat litter. Throw this in the residual waste container
- Sand. Throw sand in the residual waste container or take to a recycling centre.
- Take quantities of excrement/horse manure to a certified collector
- Take large garden waste to a recycling centre
For more information, go to Rotterdam.nl/groente-fruit-en-etensresten-en-tuinafval.
- Plastic packaging
- Drinking cartons
- Tins
- Nappies
- Coffee capsules
- Cat litter
- Dog and cat feaces
Compress the packaging and use rubbish bags no larger than 60 liters that will fit in the container.
Did you know? A special machine separates plastic packaging, tins and drinking cartons. This way we can recycle better and get more out of these products. Want to know how this works? You can find information at rotterdam.nl/plastic.
- Light bulbs
- Paint
- Batteries
- Medicines
Do not throw small chemical waste away with your residual waste as it is very bad for the environment.
Take this to a recycling centre or return it to the shop you bought it from.
Collection points for light bulbs and batteries are listed on wecycle.nl. Link opens an external page.
- Frying oil
- Baking oil
Put used deep frying oil and cooking oil back in the bottle or in another plastic package.
Deliver it to an oil collection point, recycling centre or petting zoo.
The collection points are listed on rotterdam.nl/vet.
Do not dispose of fat or oil down the toilet or the sink as it will cause blockages.
Used cooking fat and oil are used to make biofuel.
- Drying racks
- Fridges
- Large garden waste
- Mirrors
- Broken furniture
Do you have bulky waste? Items bigger then the waste container? Bring it to a recycling centre. It’s free of charge!
Are you unable to bring bulky waste? Then have them collected free of charge. Make an appointment: Rotterdam.nl/grofvuil or call 14 010.
Construction waste, demolition waste, asbestos, roof tiling, tiles and earth will not be collected. Bring it free of charge to a recycling centre.
Take small electrical appliances free of charge to a recycling centre, petting zoo or the shop where you buy new electronics.
All the collection points and the delivery services that take away old electronics when delivering new ones are listed on wecycle.nl. Link opens an external page.
Large electrical appliances such as fridges, washing machines and other white goods can be taken to the recycling centre or collected free of charge. Make an appointment on rotterdam.nl/grofvuil or call 14 010.
For more information, go to Rotterdam.nl/elektrische-apparaten-inleveren
Do you have usable items that you want to get rid of? Give them a second life and take them to a recycling centre or secondhand shop free of charge.
The secondhand shop also collects large items free of charge (note: heavy items need to be brought to the front door at ground level). Make an appointment on hetgoed.nl. Link opens an external page.
You can see when we empty your garbage bin on mijnafvalwijzer.nl. Link opens an external page or in the free AfvalWijzer app. Download the app in the appstores. You can adjust the settings in the app so that you get a message in advance.
Put your garbage bin on the edge of the pavement or at your collection point between 6.00 and 8.00 hours on the collection day.
For more information, go to Rotterdam.nl/ophaaldagen-afval
If you don’t know where your waste containers are, check this map.
Bring bulky waste and usable items to a recycling centre free of charge.
- Recycling centres Charlois (Aploniastraat 12), Hillegersberg-Schiebroek (Melanchtonweg 139) and Prins Alexander (Nikkelstraat 131): Monday to Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00 hours.
- Recycling centre Delfshaven (Keilezijweg 15): Tuesday to Saturday from 9.00 to 17:00 and Sunday from 9.00 to 13.00 hours.
- Recycling centre IJsselmonde (Hekendorpstraat 55): Tuesday to Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00 hours.
- Recycling centre Hoek van Holland (Prins Hendrikweg 56) and Rozenburg (Frans Halsstraat 2): Teusday, Thursday and Saturday from 9.00 to 17.00 hours.
The Recycling centres are closed on public holidays.
For more information, see Milieuparken.
- Is the container full, is there waste next to the container or a stuck rubbish bag in the container? Report it on the MeldR-app, or call 14 010 or +31 10 267 16 25.
- By 2050, Rotterdam does not want to have waste anymore. See rotterdamcirculair.com. Link opens an external page. Read more information on the page Afval.
- Any other questions? Call 14 010.